Stand up to bunions
A step toward healthier feet
Don’t let bunions stand in your way
April 15 is National Bunion Day. National Bunion Day will be celebrated annually on the third Tuesday in April.
What makes this day even more special? It’s happening during National Foot Health Awareness Month—giving us 2 reasons to empower you to #StandUp2Bunions!
Take control of your foot health this month. Join us to discover more about bunions, explore treatment options, and take steps toward healthier feet.
Did you know?
~1 in 4 US adults suffer from bunions1
You’re not alone
The challenges posed by bunions affect over 67 million Americans.1 These complex deformities result from the misalignment of the big toe joint, causing debilitating symptoms.2-5 But you don’t need to suffer in silence. There are ways to reclaim your foot health using advanced surgical solutions that correct bunions at the source.3
Fact or myth: High heels cause bunions.
Myth: While high heels can exacerbate the problem by squeezing the toes together and putting pressure on the big toe joint, they’re not the primary cause of your bunion.4,5
Fact or myth: Bunions go away on their own without surgical treatment.
Myth: Bunions are a progressive disorder and don’t go away on their own without surgical correction.4