Procedure can help with common foot condition
November 16, 2022 – Dr. Paul Dayton and Dr. Mindi Dayton from the Foot and Ankle Center of Iowa were recently interviewed as part of a sponsored segment on WHO’s Hello Iowa. They discussed what bunions are, what causes them, and how treatment options have evolved over time. They highlighted Lapiplasty® 3D Bunion Correction’s™ long-term benefits.
“Lapiplasty® is a procedure that helps address the bone that has deviated and shifted out of position,” Dr. Mindi Dayton said. “We’re able to correct the deformity in all three positions, rather than do something that serves as a stopgap.”
Historically, bunion correction was typically performed using a 2D osteotomy approach. This type of procedure involves shaving off the bump on the side of the toe but does not address the unstable joint in the foot that causes the deformity.
“Lapiplasty® is really a system of instruments and techniques that are able to swing the entire bone back into the position,” said Dr. Paul Dayton. He explained how the bone is not just moved out, but it is moved out, up, and then turned.
The Lapiplasty® procedure addresses all three dimensions of the bunion deformity by returning the bones to their normal alignment and securing the unstable joint in the foot with a system of patented titanium plates.1,2Patients are typically back on their feet in a walking boot within 3-10 days of surgery and back to normal activity in about four months.3,4
For more information about the Lapiplasty® Procedure, including benefits and risks, please visit
Lapiplasty® is a surgical procedure. Only a surgeon can tell if Lapiplasty® procedure is right for you. As with any surgical treatment, there are risks; individual results may vary; and recovery takes time. This experience is unique and specific to this patient only. Potential risks include infection, pain, implant loosening and loss of correction with improper bone healing. For more information on benefits, risks and recovery, visit
Drs. Dayton are paid consultants of Treace Medical Concepts, Inc., which has pioneered and patented the Lapiplasty® system
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