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About Lapiplasty® Become a Surgeon?

Lapiplasty® 3-Plane Correction at the CORA

  • Instrumented Reproducibility
  • Rapid Weight-Bearing1
  • Low Recurrence at 13-17 month follow-up1,2
Key Surgical Steps

How the Lapiplasty® Procedure Works

Illustration and X-Ray image showing step 1 of the Lapiplasty® 3D Bunion Correction™ procedure, where a surgeon uses the Lapiplasty® Positioner to quickly and reproducibly correct the alignment in all three planes, establishing and holding true anatomic alignment of the metatarsal and sesamoids.

1. Correct

Make Your Correction Before You Cut

The Lapiplasty® Positioner is engineered to quickly and reproducibly correct the alignment in all three planes, establishing and holding true anatomic alignment of the metatarsal and sesamoids.1

Illustration and X-Ray image showing step 2 of the Lapiplasty® 3D Bunion Correction™ procedure, where a surgeon uses the Lapiplasty® Cut Guide to deliver precise cuts with the metatarsal held in the corrected positions, ensuring optimal cut trajectory with only 2.4-3.1mm average metatarsal shortening.

2. Cut

Perform Precision Cuts with Confidence

The Lapiplasty® Cut Guide delivers precise cuts with the metatarsal held in the corrected positions, ensuring optimal cut trajectory with only 2.4-3.1mm average metatarsal shortening.3

Illustration and X-Ray image showing step 3 of the Lapiplasty® 3D Bunion Correction™ procedure, where a surgeon uses the Lapiplasty® Compressor to deliver over 150N of controlled compression to the precision-cut joint surfaces while maintaining the 3-plane correction.

3. Compress

Achieve Controlled Compression of Joint Surfaces

The Lapiplasty® Compressor is designed to deliver controlled compression4 to the precision-cut joint surfaces, while maintaining 3-plane correction.

Illustration and X-Ray image showing step 4 of the Lapiplasty® 3D Bunion Correction™ procedure, where a surgeon uses Low-profile Biplanar™ Plating to provide biomechanically-tested multiplanar stability for rapid return to weight-bearing in a boot.

4. Fixate

Apply Multiplanar Fixation for Robust Stability

Low-profile Biplanar Plating provides biomechanically-tested5,6 multiplanar stability for rapid return to weight-bearing in a boot.1

Lapiplasty® System

Biomechanically Tested5,6 for Rapid Weight-Bearing1

Our low-profile Biplanar Plating has been biomechanically tested5,6 (and published) to be superior to a standard Lapidus plate and compression screw construct.5

An illustration of the Lapiplasty® low-profile Biplanar™ Plating that has been biomechanically tested to be superior to a standard Lapidus plate and compression screw construct.
24 Publications and Counting

The Evidence-Based Triplanar Solution

Backed by 24 publications and an ongoing 5-year multicenter prospective study, Treace Medical is recognized as the leader in advancing the scientific study of Hallux Valgus.


3D Bunion Correction®

97 and 99% successful maintenance of 3D correction

(as demonstrated in 13 &17 months follow-up, respectively)1,7

<2 weeks to return to weight-bearing in a boot1,2

10.4mm average reduction in osseous foot width8

2.4 and 3.1mm average shortening of first ray

(in lateral and AP radiographs, respectively)


2-3% non-union rate

(13.5 & 9.5 month follow-up)


3% hardware removal rate

(in a 13 month study)


0.9% and 3.2% recurrence rate

(as demonstrated in studies at 17 & 13 months follow-up, respectively)


30% increase in cycles to failure with Biplanar Plating

(compared to dorsomedial Lapidus plate + compression screw)


>80% reduction in pain levels per VAS and MOxFQ scoring systems

(interim analysis from ALIGN3D study of 40 patients at 24 months)


An illustration showing the incision on a human foot utilized for the Lapiplasty® Mini-Incision™ System.
Now Introducing the Micro-Lapiplasty Minimally Invasive System

Now Experience the Power of the Lapiplasty® Procedure through a 2cm Incision

See The Results

The Beauty of Reproducibility

Scroll through case examples to see the power of Lapiplasty®

Slide To See More
An image showing how the Lapiplasty 3D Bunion Correction procedure can help fix the root cause of bunions, shown through the same patient's before and after X-rays.
A demonstration of the results of Lapiplasty 3D Bunion Correction on a real patient, showing the X-rays of before and after the patient's treatment.
A before and after image of a patient's X-rays, showing improvement after bunion correction with Lapiplasty 3d Bunion Correction.
Side by X-Ray side images of the foot of a patient who as received Lapiplasty 3D Bunion Correction, showing how the unstable joint has been stabilized.
Constructs at surgeon's discretion.
Individual results may vary. These experiences are specific to these patients only.
First-Hand Surgeon Experiences

What Surgeons Are Saying

Got Questions?

For more information or to get trained on Treace's comprehensive 3D Correction® systems, give us a call or complete the form.

(904) 373-5940
