Key Surgical Steps
How the Adductoplasty® Procedure Works
1. Plane
The Adductoplasty® Planer allows for congruent planing of the 2nd and 3rd TMT joint surfaces (for insertion of the Adductoplasty® Lesser TMT Cut Guide).
2. Cut
The Adductoplasty® Lesser TMT Cut Guide is designed to deliver precise, continuous angular cuts of the 2nd and 3rd TMT joints.
3. Compress
The Adductoplasty® Compressor delivers controlled apposition and compression1 of the corrective arthrodesis.
4. Fixate
The low-profile titanium plates of the Lapiplasty® Lesser TMT Fixation System are designed to provide locking fixation for corrective arthrodesis of the lesser TMT joints.
See The Results
Adductoplasty® Midfoot Deformity Correction Before & After Results
Scroll through case examples to see the results
Individual results may vary. These experiences are specific to these patients only.