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2.7mm High Pitch Locking Screws

About FastPitch® Screws

Compression Like a Staple; Stability of a Locking Screw

The sterile-packed titanium FastPitch® 2.7mm High Pitch Locking Screws are designed with an increased thread pitch ratio between the locking head threads and bone threads, resulting in:

Plate Compression
High pitch compression ratio compresses the plate to the bone as screws lock in.1

Faster Insertion
Increased thread pitch results in 33% faster screw insertion.2

Lapiplasty® Compatibility
Locking screws compatible with all Lapiplasty® plating systems.*


Contour Locking Screw Technology

Arc-Lock Contour Locking Screw Technology utilizes the natural curvature of Lapiplasty® Biplanar Plates and the pitch compression ratio of locking screw to deliver joint compression1 while maintaining the stability of locking plate fixation.

Plate Compression

High pitch compression ratio compresses the plate to the bone as screws lock in.1

Far Cortex Compression

Increased thread pitch results in 33% faster screw insertion.2

Angular Correction

Locking screws compatible with all Lapiplasty® plating systems.*

How ARC-Lock Contour Locking Screw Technology Works

1. Pre-Contoured Curved Plate

Pre-contoured curvature of the Lapiplasty® Biplanar Locking Plate with the center arc of the plate off the bone.

2. Plate Compress to Bone

Locking screws automatically compress the curved plate to the bone as the screws lock in.1

3. Elastic Rebound Compresses Joint

Elastic rebound of the compressed, curved plate results in angular correction and compression of the far cortex.3

Got Questions?

For more information or to get trained on Treace's comprehensive 3D Correction® systems, give us a call or complete the form.

(904) 373-5940
